Saturday 30 June 2012

The Mercurians

The Mercurians.

The Mercurians in all, are actually, Angels. They though, and as with the unexpectations perhaps, and of many out there too, were Angels, and as once seen in Aegyptus 'Egypt' too. This is said because, most don't truly associate Africa in all, and with Angel beings, but in all ways truly even, believe Angels, to be present just about anywhere in the World (but with the exception too perhaps, of South America), and other than Africa in itself too.

In many a way too, one does find that, Angels in all, have come to strongly shape even, the conscience in all (and consciousness too perhaps), of those who in all again, do live outside Africa in itself {but especially America, Europe, the Middle East, and even parts of East Asia too}. This shaping in all, and by Angels too perhaps, of conscience and consciousness and as seen amongst many a group around the World, has resulted in those places in all again, and where people do openly believe in Angels that is, have their environments in all (including nature), seem very much heavenly that is.

In all ways though, the very true purpose of this entry, is to introduce those in Anatolia {'Arab East Africa'}, and to the very world of Angels too actually {and as with they being even, the Mercurians too that is}. This is done for two main reasons. First off, is the very fact that, Africa in itself (the whole continent), can at times, be rather very dry and earthy too {meaning in all again, one experiencing life on the continent, very much as if one was lost, and feeling very much meaningless too that is}. The second reason for this, is to introduce those in Anatolia {'Arab East Africa'}, and to the very world again, of Angels, and their trials too even, and as compared in all again, to having Webnet in all, turn very much into a 'guy and chick' arena {and the very useless world too, of 'he said,...she said' etc.}. In all ways though, the above two in all, can be easily attained {escaping Africa in all, and as a hopeless continent too perhaps}, via the reading in all again, of the Gideons version of the Holy Book (Bible) {and which in all again, will have one very much associating life, and with Angelic feelings/realms too that is} {it being a Bible in all again (or a Holy Book actually), very much Mercurian in its ways that is}.

In all ways though, the very world of the Mercurians, will be introduced into Webnet, and as with regards in all again, to trials and tribulations that is {and as compared, to developing self-defeatist attitudes in all, and as seen all over Africa too, and due to feelings of hopelessness in all again, associated at times and with the sometimes harsh African climates that is, or even truly again, the very useless world of bickering, and amongst boys and girls too, and as with regards even, to popularity issues that is}.

In all ways though, is to finally mention that, Anatolia and as primarily connected to the outside World too {and as with travel perhaps}, will in all ways even, truly happen in all again, and via Webnet in all ways even {and as with saying that, those who do wish to travel, to seek out Webnet in all, and for general advice too that is}.

Webnet, the Angels/Mercurians, and the very World out there too:

Monday 25 June 2012



When it does come, to thinking about Kinesiology, Sports Medicine and Physiology even, is to tell those in Anatolia too, that the best way in all, to go about all this, is from seeing it in all again (or seeking it out too that is), and from the perspective, of Bedlam {and as with it even, a rather chaotic situation in all that is}.


The Political Drama

The Political Drama.

Legacy and Anatolia:

To speak of the impact that Anatolia is expected to make in History, is to in all ways even, speak of the Political Drama. This in all ways too even, does refer to being a highly even, Intellectual/Sensual being that is, and as with furtherly stating that, the main goal of Webnet in all, is to introduce those in Anatolia too, specifically even, and to the very world in all, and of the Political Drama {and as with the Arab version and of 'The Shahnameh' too, very much a Political Drama that is}. In all ways even, all this at the very least, not only speaking religiously (and as with Personal Ritual even), of becoming one with Yeshua, but in all ways truly even, a life well lived, and as with recognizing in all too that, life in all ways even, is truly all about evolving out of it (and 'the Earth' too that is) {and as with becoming one with Yeshua in Anatolia, very much about the Playwright in all ways truly}.



The Game

The Game.

For those in Anatolia, and wishing in all again to have a general idea, and of just whom in all again, an Intellectual/Sensual being is, then in all ways even, is to recommend, the Game and by Neil Strauss too, and as basic/interesting source for all this.


The African Anatolia Internet Superhighway.