Tuesday 17 December 2013



To speak of Webnet in all, and as a lawful place too, is to speak of it in all again, and by just how in all, to best define Normality that is. That in all ways even, Normality and Webnet too, does speak of recognizing in all, just what does constitute for Suppresive, Repressive and even Oppressive Behaviour too that is. That in all again, Supressive, Repressive and Oppresive Behaviour in Anatolia, can come to be defined and by Webnet too actually, and as with speaking even and of this kind of Behaviour too, and as somewhat approved of in all, and as with it said even, to define African norms of Masculinity and Feminity too that is. 

In all ways though, what it is believed that Webnet can do for one, is not only come to truly help even, define Normality and in Anatolia too, but also in East Africa as a whole too perhaps, but that in many a way even, all this does speak of the belief that, those on Webnet and Anatolia too in all, truly in many a way even, do actually know and of what does constitute for Normality in itself actually (and as with this speaking even of Repression, Suppression and Oppression in society too), but that in all ways even, this can be viewed and as an Economic Opportunity of sorts in itself, and for not only those in East Africa in all, but also all over the World too that is [and as with the basic belief in all truly even that, those in Anatolia and especially Webnet too, do truly know just what Normality and Abnormality truly are] [and as with all the above, speaking truly even, and of those in all again and who do wish to actually attempt, to create Webnet based lifestyles in all, and as in truly even, living around or within Webnet in itself that is].

Thursday 24 October 2013

Internet Psychology

Internet Psychology.

The Avoidant Personality, or Distancing too, and the dangers in all, of becoming enmeshed in all again, and in the Internet too [or simply spending too much time, wasting away, and on the Internet that is]. In all ways even, when one thinks the Internet, one truly only wants in all again, to be Entangled to it all actually.

Friday 30 August 2013


- Cockney, and as the Official form of English, and for Anatolia too (and as with it even, serving as a general inspiration in all, and for East African English that is).

the Webnet InfoSystem

the Webnet InfoSystem

In speaking of the Webnet InfoSystem (Information System), is to in many a way too, speak of giving Anatolia (Arab East Africa) in all, a general Political structure to it. That in many a way, Anatolia in all again, can very well be ruled over, and via the Internet too (or the Net too that is).


It was mentioned before that (and in the link above too), that Webnet in all, and as a new kind of Internet in all too really, would not go down the route, and of the conventional Internet too (and as with it very much like an Encyclopedia that is), or even the very route , and of a newer emerging Internet (and which does take into account, the heavy use even, and of Computer Graphics that is, and speak of programs and such as Macromedia Flash too). In all again, Webnet, is to be based in general, and on the very study too, and of the following three disciplines: Kinesiology, Sports Medicine and even Physiology too.

Below in all, and as a simple way of getting started on Webnet, will be a simple template too, and of what in general, does constitute Kinesiology, Sports Medicine and Physiology too. In many a way too, Webnet in all, to exist in general, and in the form of Blogs, Internet Forums/Boards and finally in all again Social Networking Systems, and such as Facebook too for instance.

To give though, a general precept, and of what does in general constitute Webnet in all, is to attempt to delineate the following three disciplines of Kinesiology, Sports Medicine and Physiology too, and into the following basic divisions:


  • Fashion
  • Sports
  • Performance/Performing Arts (and such as a Comedy Routine for instance)

Sports Medicine:

  • Nutrition
  • Holistic practises (and as including African Tradtional Medicine or Herbology too)
  • Psychiatry


  • Biblical/Theological studies
  • Sexuality (and in the form of Erotica too)
  • Cybernetics (and as with it even, speaking of what they do term the Infowars)

In many a way, Erotica and as mentioned above, is highly suited for Anatolia in all, and as it is a form of Sexuality too, and that does go rather well, and with African Bodies that is. In many a way too, the very study of Cybernetic in all, can also very much help one, and in coming up, and with ideas too, and on how to create Technology that is.

In all, the above does not only constitute a basic Political structure and for Anatolia as a whole too, but in all ways even, speaks of a general Culture, and for Anatolia in itself too that is.

Finally in all, the above recommended and as a serious form of study in all again, and as it can be generally widely accepted that, the Internet as it is today, is in many a way even, a rather huge waste of our time actually, and that the above in all, and when taken seriously, can give rise to Knowledge Systems that are important in all again, and for an independent Anatolia too.
