Saturday 22 March 2014

Captain James Cook

Captain James Cook.

Timelines and Webnet too.



Metaphor, and as a keyword/keyterm in all, and in helping unleash the Power of the Internet that is.


Friday 7 March 2014

Sea Horses

Sea Horses.

Re-Incarnation and the Internet:

Those living life and as based around Internet Media in all or Webnet too perhaps, have never probably in all, truly pondered many a question in all again, and as dealing with Death and Re-Incarnation too. That in all, many today find life difficult, and as with regards to truly knowing what they do really want, what will make them truly happy, and as with perhaps even, stating that, if they in all were well acquainted perhaps, and in talk of Re-Incarnation or Death in itself too, then in many a way too perhaps, they would find life more easier to live out, and as with speak even of preparing for Death in itself, or simply speak even and of knowing just how one is going to die that is.

This entry in many a way though, will attempt to introduce those on Webnet in all, and to the topic of Death and Re-Incarnation too. That in many a way, it is deemed believed that those who do engage in Internet Media, and more than most out there too, are truly wanting, and in seeing or finding themselves, and in a truly loving Relationship, and with someone special too that is [so to speak] [and as with this even perhaps, referring to Marcus Anthony and Cleopatra too in all].

Having said the above, is to then in many a way in all again, attempt to breach both the topics of Re-Incarnation and Death in itself too. That it all in all again, can be perceived, and from speak even of Loving Relationships in all that is [and especially between a Man and a Woman too actually]. 

To understand the above furtherly in all, is to perhaps speak of Love in itself, and as said Unforgettable/Unforgoten in all [Link], or even in many a way truly even, it said Unconditional too [Link]. In having said this, is to first associate Relationships with Bonds in all again, and as they said even, formented in all, and in speak of Promises too [that Death and Re-Incarnation in itself, can be perceived and from speak of broken Promises, and as with this even demanding in all, a return to Earth, and inorder to make right, what one did/made wrong that is]. Another view in all again, does speak even and of Judgment in itself, and within a Relationship too, and which does have one in all, wanting to make-up for oneself in all again, and as in Promising to change in all, and before one dies in all too perhaps, and as with Re-Incarnation and Death too, viewed very much from the perspective of the Return, and in attempting to furtherly improve on oneself that is] [and all this too even, furtherly speaking of Lost Time in itself too actually].

Finally in all too perhaps, is to mention the danger of the Internet in all again, and as associated in all and with speak of Serialization, Popularization and even Proliferation too, and of just about anything, and as with it even hampering in all, ones Life Force perhaps, and as with the Life Force here even, said to speak of being Ignored in all that is]. 

Wednesday 5 March 2014



Said falsely in many a way, a genuine Egyptian Queen, Cleopatra, and as Greek too, did in all ways even live in a World and as defined by a Media in all again, and that one could very well equate with Internet Media in all that is [and as with Media and Cleopatra, to be considered in many a way African/Egyptian too].

Tuesday 4 March 2014

The Third Party

The Third Party.

Evolutionary Instincts and Webnet:

Those in many a way, and who do decide to live out life, and as based around Media, or Internet Media too actually, and such as that seen with Webnet in all, truly in all again do wonder just how to plan out their lives actually. This in many a way truly even, does speak of Religion in itself, and as with truly wondering even, just where Internet Media in all again, does meet God truly. That in all, when one does decide to live life and as based around Media in all, and which is in all again pretty much Internet Media too, questions pertaining to Identity and as based around Ritual or Custom, do in many a way arise actually.

To speak of Internet Media in a simple sense [Internet Media], is to in many a way even truly associate it all, and with speak even and of what some do term the Third Party actually. That in many a way, those who do live Religious/Cultural lives, do in all live life out, and as if, God, is a Witness, and to every they do that is [and as with this even basically speaking of Religious Traditions, Rituals and even Customs too].

If one however does live life and as based around Internet Media in all, or Media in all again similar to it all actually [and as with speak even of attempts to truly give rise and to any given Reality too that is] [and as with further speak even of basically attracting attention in all], one does find that thinking of God in all again, and in a righteous manner too, does speak specifically even, and of the so termed Third Party. That those in all who do truly associate themselves and with Internet Media [and as with speak even of SMS too actually] [Internet Media], do in all ways even, tend to need a Third Party/Voice, and to in many a way even validate them [and as with this even basically speaking of visiting a Night Club too, and on viewing an attractive Woman one could very well attach themselves too, finding one inactive, and unless in all perhaps, a Third Party/Person is there to Witness it all actually]. 

To speak of issues and as pertaining to the Third Party, is to also in many a way, speak of just how we do basically perceive ourselves. That in all, there are those and who do basically perceive themselves, and as with speak even of the Third Party, and from speak even and of what they do truly Know or Acknowledge in all even, or even truly again, those who do have a concrete understanding in all, and of History in itself too, and from the very perspective and of just how anything that did happen in history, does affect one in all, and the very way even one does seek to live out life actually [and as with speak even of the changing of ones behaviour in itself too actually]. In all again, defining the Third Party, does not speak of God in himself in all, but in all ways even perhaps, speak of the Stirring of Consciousness, and as with it all even speaking of what some do term the Afterworld too [and as with basic speak even and of that member of an Internet Forum, popular too, and who does in all decide to move on to better things, and as in ceasing posting in the said Forum that is].

Finally, the Third Party and as basically perceived and from speak even of Contractual obligations, but speak even of evil and as arising with all this, and as speaking even of Goyim too actually [and as with speak even of someone truly out to wipe one out, and as with mythic speak even of Terminator 3 too perhaps].

Terminator 3: