Thursday 10 September 2015


of Clones.

When we do speak here, and of Clones, or Cloning too, we are now said approximating in all, Theory, and that does too, speak and of the said splitting, and of a Species, Animal, Human too, and into what some too, do term a sub-species that is. In all, the very manner, Humans are believed to have made it, and from their said origins in Africa, and to their now inhabiting, many another place or space outside Africa too, but that in all again, it all too, leads, and to speak, and of what Saber-Tooth Tigers, were in all even, said to be that is.

In now too saying that, this Blog, does support, talk of Clones, and in many a way too, is to not only associate it all, and with speak too and of what an Estate is said to be, or in speak too of Persuasion in itself, but what Clones do in all have to do, and with speak of this Blog, does too have to do, and with speak of the Unique for instance, and if not of the Human, or God too, and as said truly perceived, and from speak and of what Stains/Marks, are said to be, and of the ability in all, to replicate them that is.

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Real Estate

Real Estate.

There are many, and who do in all even truly, ponder, what it does mean to be African that is. That for some, African Identity, now said too grounded in all, and in speak of the Archetypal (and in speak too of the Maasai for instance), or in speak too of the Fundamentals of life, or in further speak even, and of the search for the Intrinsic (African Myth), but that in all again, this Blog, does in all even propose that, African Identity, and as most do know it today, does in all even speak of the Prime (and in speak too of Prime Factors for instance, and if not of the Premise too), and as with it all even said to refer, and to Identity, African, and as said Historic too, and as said tied down now, and to speak too of African Real Estate in itself that is.

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Swahili Beaches

Swahili Beaches.

Swahili Beaches, and in speak too of the more popular of them, and such as Diani, Likoni, Mtwapa Watamu etc., and of the South Coast too that is, and in further speak too here, and of the Star Fish in all.


Saturday 28 February 2015

The Occupants of Heaven

The Occupants of Heaven.

For those on Webnet in all, a question to ask, and in speak of where and in all again, one is simply said, headed to, and in this lifetime too that is? It in all, and in speak too of Success, now does speak too, and of the very words/terms, Occupiers, and Occupants too that is, and of our very definitions of them in all [that this in all, is the end goal sought out that is].

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Intelligent Design

Intelligent Design.

Many have heard of God in all, and as often said Almighty too, and as often perceived, and from speak too of his said a Creative Being, and if not speak too of his said a Creator/Presence that is. This entry though, does in all deal and with speak of God, and as said and to refer and to speak of Intelligent Design that is.

For if God in all, is to be perceived as a Creative Being, it now does in all even speak of 'Him' in all, and as said a Being, and if not a being too. For God and as said a Being, now it is believed, does refer and to speak of the Animal Food Chain for instance, but in speak of him and as said a being, speak now and of the Animal Kingdom too perhaps.

In saying that God in all, is a Creator/Presence that is, is to now in all even perceive God, and from speak of Existences, Realities and States (Transient) that is [and speak too of the Animal Planet in all].

It is however and in speak of God and from speak too of Intelligent Design, that one too does in all even meet Webnet (and in speak of it all and as perceived and from Specifications too that is) [Link], but with it all even not only referring and to Interactivity for instance, but speak truly of Intelligent Design, and as said truly referring, and to the Seas/Oceans, and in speak too of Sea-life in all that is [and if not speak of the Animal World in all, and as referring and to speak of Creatures and Animals too that is].

In all, when those on Webnet do think of themselves as such, from speak only of Interactivity in all (and in speak too of the Design of Spaces that is), is to in all even perhaps, think creatively here, and of Crustaceans too that is.

Tuesday 17 February 2015



Those on Webnet, might have heard of the term Denizen, and as now said referring and to the occupants/inhabitants/residents in all, and of a particular said place too that is. The reason why the term could be said of interest, has to do, and with the creating of Identity, and in Africa too, and as targeted in all, and towards speak too of Internet/Mobile Lifestyles that is, and in speak too now, and of Identity created, and in speak of the very manner/way in all, we do define Familiarity in itself that is, but speak truly in all again, and of Identity created, and in speak too of Instruction in itself that is.