Monday 29 October 2012



For those in Anatolia, or specifically for those in all again, on Webnet, is to in many a way even, recommended 'This is Love' by, and as a general social Anthem too, and for those not only in Anatolia, but in all ways truly even, for those specifically on Webnet in itself actually. In all, a tune in all again, to truly match ones freedom of expression in all, and as with reminding the Masses too that, this kind of Melody/Song in all, is preferred, and in the attempt to create Popular Anatolian Identities, and as compared to Reggea music in general too that is.

Monday 17 September 2012



Anatolian Personalities:

Most have probably heard, and of the Good Samaritan too. A person in all, said to be a Gentile perhaps, and ready to offer help to those, perceived in all again, and as obviously suffering too actually. In many a way even, the Good Samaritan, and a key figure in all, and in History too, and as seen amongst the Israelites perhaps, but as with telling those in Anatolia and Webnet too that, when they do think of impromptu help in all, and as with regards even, to the most troublesome of problems too, then they in all again, should actually think the Johnny-on-the-spot (and as a key Anatolian Personality too), and as person even, believed said even to be standing next to one that is, and ready in all again, to offer an answer, and to any queries made too that is {and as with furtherly telling one that, the passing on of Knowledge or Information in such a manner, is of utmost importance and to Anatolia in itself too, and as with regards even, to the raising of the 'standards of living' or 'quality of life' indexes in all, and in Anatolia too that is} {that those in all again, Anatolian that is, should readily engage in this practise, and rather than face African styled poverty too, and which does in many a way even, have to do, and with the restricting of Knowledge and Information, and to those who do need it, and at an exact time, or an appropriate space too that is}.

Sunday 2 September 2012

Viral Communications

Viral Communications.

Internet Communications:

If one was to be asked, just how the Internet today, has truly come to influence Human life, then one would probably best answer: Viral Communications. That in all truly even, the very world of Viral Communications, does not specifically begin with the Internet in itself though, but probably in all again, and with the very world of the B-Movie Industry too {the making of small movies here and there that is, and whose communications in all again, the movie that is, were very much Viral in nature actually}.

In all, Viral Communications have truly come to strongly shape the World, and since the Victorian Era, did come to an end that is {and as with Viral Communications too, and as seen since then, very much speaking of an 'Age' in itself actually (and one not truly Western/Modern in its ways either that is)} {and at the very least too, speaking of the Western/Modern Worlds obsession in all, and with Security issues too that is}.

What does constitute Viral Communications in themselves, is not readily or truly even agreed on, and by most that is. This meaning in all again that, Viral Communications to most, do appear to come off as Gossip actually, when in reality, most out there, do not truly perceive them as such that is {they believed in all again, to be nothing more perhaps, and than fast talk too actually}.

In all perhaps, what Viral Communications has done, is actually come to create a Sphere of life in all, different from the past, and heavily based around Popular Communications in themselves {that in all again, life around the World and in a basic manner too, can be said to be Religious in all, Ethnic, Folk and finally Popular too} {and with the Popular in all again, becoming the norm, and via the Modern/Western Media too that is}.

In all again truly, the purpose of this entry, is to tell those on Webnet that, Viral Communications, will be banned on Webnet in all, and instead, the very use of Internet Communications in all too really, will be the norm actually {what this does mean is that, Internet Communications and in their most basic form too, can be divided and into the very realms of Internet Marketing, Internet Branding, Internet Advertising, Internet Sales & Promotions, and finally Internet Packaging in itself too} {and as with furtherly telling one that, the forementioned 5 forms of Internet Communications in all, do not speak of Viral Communications actually, although, one in all again, does see Viral Communications in all too really, very much creeping into these realms}.

As a finality, what this does mean is that, when posting on Webnet in all, one should very much tailor every post made, and in the form of Internet Marketing in itself actually, and all this again, in the attempt truly, to truly authenticate the post being made, and in all again truly even, help wipe out Nonsense on the Internet in itself, and which in all again, is readily promulgated in all, and via Viral Communications too that is {or popular talk in many a way truly even}.

In all again, if Webnet could be collapsed and into one single thing, then it in all again, would be Internet Marketing in itself that is.

Viral Communications:

Monday 6 August 2012



English & Anatolia:

Some might probably wonder, just what kind of English in all, is to be truly associated, and with Anatolia in itself too actually. That while Brit English in all, is primarily spoken in 'Anatolian Nairobi', the rest of Anatolia, does in all ways even, speak a kind of English, that one could very well approximate, and to Cockney English too. Cockney English, is in many ways truly even, not only English and as believed associated in all, and with Working Class London too, but English in all again, actually arising, and from the very world too, of Arab (English) speech actually {and as with Cockney that is, not only a recent introduction into London, and by the British too, but it in all ways even, not bearing a resemblance in all, and to English in all again, and as spoken by the Scottish that is} {and as with English and as spoken by the Scottish too, very much the same in all, and as English would have sounded, if it had been spoken, and in Greek Alexandrian Egypt too that is; and as with the Scottish too, somewhat Greek Alexandrian Egypt in their ways that is}.

In all ways truly even, Cockney English, and as actually derived from Arab (English) speech, but in all ways truly too, very much similar, and to what one could call East African English, and as with it even, Cockney, and East African English too somewhat, the kind of English in all again, spoken popularly, and by Eddie Murphy too actually. In all, Cockney and East African English in all again, very much too, the official English, and for not only Anatolia in itself, but especially Webnet too that is.

East African English:

Cockney English:

Friday 3 August 2012



The Stalwart:

Evil and Webnet.
"Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil."

Wednesday 25 July 2012



Popular Stars:

The very world of Webnet, will not in the very least, encourage, the popularization in all, and of a famed Figure, or even a Celebrity too actually. It instead, will be associated in all, and with the Popular Star. What does differentiate the three is that, Celebrities in all, are reknowed and for their features (facial too), while famed Figures in all, are reknowed in all again, and for their markers actually (physical too), while Popular Stars, can very well be said, and to be highly defined even, and by their traits too (and with they being physical too actually).

In all, Webnet will not be going down the route of the conventional Internet, and as with it even, highly based around the Celebrity, or even the Blogosphere perhaps, and as with it based around the famed Figure, but in all ways truly even, will be associated in all, and with the Popular Star too, and as with this even, speaking of a popular website, and such as '' and in Sweden too that is.

Thursday 19 July 2012

Social Misconceptions

Social Misconceptions.

We do live in a World, and in which different groups of people in all, are intermittently even, forced to mix with each other {and as with the example even, of Classroom for instance}. When this does occur, one does find it natural even, to immediately judge others, and before becoming somewhat acquainted with them too, and from the perspectives even, and of Hair kind (frizzled, coarse, straight etc.) and type (long, short etc.), or even Head sizes and shapes too, or even truly again, Skin colours and tones that is. In many ways, one does find that, the very world of Stereotyping, does actually arise in all, and from such encounters too (and as with one even, not truly able to Stereotype a person featured in all, and in a Magazine too for example), but that in all again, the very world of Stereotyping too, is very much capable of becoming rather volatile, and on the Internet too that is {that in all, the Internet does appear, to be a rather dangerous ground even, and as with regards, to the creating and formenting even, of Stereotypes in all, and as with many a Racist sentiment too, capable of being born in one, and as with regards truly even, to getting into a fight, and with someone on the Internet too, and as with regards truly even again, and to not only Social differences, but Social differences too, and as perceived around Social Misconceptions that is}.

In all ways even is to tell many a person that, the judging of People in all again, and as with the above, will not be tolerated or allowed, and on Webnet too that is. What instead will pass for judgement, is the intital perceiving in all, and of just about anyone too, and who does step into Webnet, and as a Hero too that is {and as out to attain or seek out even, something in general too that is}, but in all ways truly even, a Hero too, taking the form of the 12 Archetypes, and as seen in the above work 'Awakening the Heroes Within', and by Carol Pearson too that is {and as with they being even, the Innocent, the Orphan, the Warrior, the Caregiver, the Seeker, the Destroyer, the Lover, the Creator, the Ruler, the Magician, the Sage, and finally in all again, the Fool too actually} {that in all, when relating in all, and with someone on Webnet too, not only should they primarily be perceived, and from the perspective of the Hero too that is, but in all ways truly even, as emboding in all, the above mentioned 12 Archetypes that is} {and as with this even, extending to meeting someone, and from Webnet too, and on the Street level that is}.

In all ways even, not only does doing as such, enable one in all too even, to perceive ones Environments, and as a Sensual/Intellectual being too that is {and as with this even, primarily referring in all, to viewing others, and from more or less a Stereotypical manner too actually}, but that in all ways truly even, this does allow for one in all again, and on Webnet too and also on the Street level too actually, to view themselves, and others, and their environments in all again, and from more or less an Historical Architectural perspective that is {and as with attempting even, to match a certain Hero and Archetype, and with a certain Infrastructure perhaps, or even truly again, how such an Archetype and Hero too, does in all again, behave, and while in a certain form of Architecture too that is}.

All this said, as the best way in all again, and of judging others too, and as with regards to Hair kind and type, Head sizes and shapes, or even Skin colours and tones too, best perceived, and from not only Religion in itself (and as with ones Religious Beliefs too that is), but also, as denoting even, the kind of Religion in all, another does practise that is {and as with the case even, of Sikhism and Hair, Christianity and Head sizes, or even Gnosticism and Skin tones too that is}.

The world of Social Misconceptions:

The world of Webnet:

Sunday 1 July 2012



One does find that the Internet in all, can heavily even, convolute in itself, not only Time actually, but History in itself too actually. For one does see that, many a poster and on the Internet too, do tend even, to make postings in all again (even playfully), which are not in direct alignment perhaps, and with their true evolutionary history that is {and as with this speaking even, of a person having visited Brazil in all that is, and now in many ways even, making posts in themselves, and on the Internet too, that do in all again actually or heavily even, do take into account, his having visited Brazil that is}.

When it does come to Webnet though, History in all again, will be perceived, and from that having to do, with Architecture in itself {and as with Webnet too, and at the very least even, and at its most useless too, holding many a 'discussion' perhaps, and on the very true nature and purpose in all again, and of Architecture in itself (and as versus Engineering too that is)}.



The very world of Psycho-dynamics, is something today {and as with the Modern World too that is}, that has been put to the side in all, and in favour, of creating present-day/modern-day identities too, and as based around, Nationalistic ideals that is {and as with speak of lifestyles too actually}.

The very world though of Psycho-dynamics in all, does in all speak again, of perceiving oneself and others too (and psychologically, sociologically or culturally even), and with the main goal and purpose too in all, and of ascertaining a certain truth (or Truth even) in all that is {and as with this even, speaking alot, of truly representing oneself, and with religious/esoteric symbolism of a kind actually}. The world though, and of Nationalistic ideals on the otherhand, does speak in all again, of attempting to ascertain differences in all, and as between peoples too, and via comparisons in all again, and as based around lifestyles too that is.

In all though, the very world of Psycho-dynamics is truly what did make, the old World far more interesting (and as with its Literature even, and as compared to that of the present World), and far more interesting too, than the present World ever has been actually {and as with speak too even, and of excitement in all, and in the present World too, reaching its peak and as highly based around the Scandal too perhaps} {and as with this referring even, to thievery in all, so as to in all again, attain a certain lifestyle too that is}.

The difference between Psycho-dynamics and National differences (Nationalistic ideals), is one of the best way, of perceiving the difference too, and between Maritime/Sea/Ocean travel, and Air 'travel' on the otherhand. That Maritime/Sea/Ocean travel in all, was in all ways even, truly driven by Psycho-dynamics actually, while Air 'travel' in all again (or Commercial Flight to be precise, and as with Air 'travel' in all too really, truly Flight actually, and as with the term travel in itself, actually denoting Psycho-dynamics in all), is highly today in all again {Air 'travel'} (and as with the past too perhaps), highly based around the petty world, of Nationalistic ideals (and as with National differences to be exact that is) {and as with talk truly even perhaps, and of which Country has the hottest women in all, or even truly again, which Country has the best Soccer team too that is} {and as with truly even saying that, what does make the Olympics far more interesting than the World Cup too, has to do, with the Olympics in all again, based around Psycho-dynamics actually, and with the World Cup on the otherhand, totally driven by the very world of Nationalistic ideals (and National differences and in lifestyles too that is; and as with associating truly even, the French Football Soccer team perhaps, and with the Eiffel Tower for instance)}.

Webnet though, will not be going down the road and of many another (99% perhaps), and of the Websites even, and to be seen on the Internet in itself too, and as with they even, highly based around Nationalistic ideals that is {and lots of virulent talk too, and as based around, National differences in all, and in lifestyles too that is}, but in all ways truly even, will base all its content in all too even, and on the realms, of Psycho-dynamics too {and as with this too actually, speaking of attempting to reform the old World that is} {and as with this in all again, speaking of spearheading the rise to popularity in all too really perhaps, and of Maritime/Sea/Ocean travel that is (and as with attempting even, to make olden day Port Cities, popular in all, and as they once were that is)}.

Saturday 30 June 2012

The Mercurians

The Mercurians.

The Mercurians in all, are actually, Angels. They though, and as with the unexpectations perhaps, and of many out there too, were Angels, and as once seen in Aegyptus 'Egypt' too. This is said because, most don't truly associate Africa in all, and with Angel beings, but in all ways truly even, believe Angels, to be present just about anywhere in the World (but with the exception too perhaps, of South America), and other than Africa in itself too.

In many a way too, one does find that, Angels in all, have come to strongly shape even, the conscience in all (and consciousness too perhaps), of those who in all again, do live outside Africa in itself {but especially America, Europe, the Middle East, and even parts of East Asia too}. This shaping in all, and by Angels too perhaps, of conscience and consciousness and as seen amongst many a group around the World, has resulted in those places in all again, and where people do openly believe in Angels that is, have their environments in all (including nature), seem very much heavenly that is.

In all ways though, the very true purpose of this entry, is to introduce those in Anatolia {'Arab East Africa'}, and to the very world of Angels too actually {and as with they being even, the Mercurians too that is}. This is done for two main reasons. First off, is the very fact that, Africa in itself (the whole continent), can at times, be rather very dry and earthy too {meaning in all again, one experiencing life on the continent, very much as if one was lost, and feeling very much meaningless too that is}. The second reason for this, is to introduce those in Anatolia {'Arab East Africa'}, and to the very world again, of Angels, and their trials too even, and as compared in all again, to having Webnet in all, turn very much into a 'guy and chick' arena {and the very useless world too, of 'he said,...she said' etc.}. In all ways though, the above two in all, can be easily attained {escaping Africa in all, and as a hopeless continent too perhaps}, via the reading in all again, of the Gideons version of the Holy Book (Bible) {and which in all again, will have one very much associating life, and with Angelic feelings/realms too that is} {it being a Bible in all again (or a Holy Book actually), very much Mercurian in its ways that is}.

In all ways though, the very world of the Mercurians, will be introduced into Webnet, and as with regards in all again, to trials and tribulations that is {and as compared, to developing self-defeatist attitudes in all, and as seen all over Africa too, and due to feelings of hopelessness in all again, associated at times and with the sometimes harsh African climates that is, or even truly again, the very useless world of bickering, and amongst boys and girls too, and as with regards even, to popularity issues that is}.

In all ways though, is to finally mention that, Anatolia and as primarily connected to the outside World too {and as with travel perhaps}, will in all ways even, truly happen in all again, and via Webnet in all ways even {and as with saying that, those who do wish to travel, to seek out Webnet in all, and for general advice too that is}.

Webnet, the Angels/Mercurians, and the very World out there too:

Monday 25 June 2012



When it does come, to thinking about Kinesiology, Sports Medicine and Physiology even, is to tell those in Anatolia too, that the best way in all, to go about all this, is from seeing it in all again (or seeking it out too that is), and from the perspective, of Bedlam {and as with it even, a rather chaotic situation in all that is}.


The Political Drama

The Political Drama.

Legacy and Anatolia:

To speak of the impact that Anatolia is expected to make in History, is to in all ways even, speak of the Political Drama. This in all ways too even, does refer to being a highly even, Intellectual/Sensual being that is, and as with furtherly stating that, the main goal of Webnet in all, is to introduce those in Anatolia too, specifically even, and to the very world in all, and of the Political Drama {and as with the Arab version and of 'The Shahnameh' too, very much a Political Drama that is}. In all ways even, all this at the very least, not only speaking religiously (and as with Personal Ritual even), of becoming one with Yeshua, but in all ways truly even, a life well lived, and as with recognizing in all too that, life in all ways even, is truly all about evolving out of it (and 'the Earth' too that is) {and as with becoming one with Yeshua in Anatolia, very much about the Playwright in all ways truly}.



The Game

The Game.

For those in Anatolia, and wishing in all again to have a general idea, and of just whom in all again, an Intellectual/Sensual being is, then in all ways even, is to recommend, the Game and by Neil Strauss too, and as basic/interesting source for all this.


The African Anatolia Internet Superhighway.