Monday 17 September 2012



Anatolian Personalities:

Most have probably heard, and of the Good Samaritan too. A person in all, said to be a Gentile perhaps, and ready to offer help to those, perceived in all again, and as obviously suffering too actually. In many a way even, the Good Samaritan, and a key figure in all, and in History too, and as seen amongst the Israelites perhaps, but as with telling those in Anatolia and Webnet too that, when they do think of impromptu help in all, and as with regards even, to the most troublesome of problems too, then they in all again, should actually think the Johnny-on-the-spot (and as a key Anatolian Personality too), and as person even, believed said even to be standing next to one that is, and ready in all again, to offer an answer, and to any queries made too that is {and as with furtherly telling one that, the passing on of Knowledge or Information in such a manner, is of utmost importance and to Anatolia in itself too, and as with regards even, to the raising of the 'standards of living' or 'quality of life' indexes in all, and in Anatolia too that is} {that those in all again, Anatolian that is, should readily engage in this practise, and rather than face African styled poverty too, and which does in many a way even, have to do, and with the restricting of Knowledge and Information, and to those who do need it, and at an exact time, or an appropriate space too that is}.