Tuesday 4 February 2014

Internet Lifestyles

Internet Lifestyles.

Life on the Internet:

There are those in all, and who might take a liking to Webnet in all again, and as in truly wondering even, if they can truly live even, their whole lives in all, and around it too that is.

To begin speak of all this, is to perhaps mention that, speak of Infrastructure and Webnet, does in all ways even speak basically of Anatolian Nairobi (Link), Anatolian Kampala and even Anatolian Dar-es-salaam too [and not 'Nairo', Kamp-o or Dar truly either]. 

Having said the above in all, is to perhaps attempt to put the Internet in itself, and into perspective. That life, and as traditionally lived around the World in all again, can be divided into the following sectors in all perhaps, and of existence too: the Public (sector), the Private (sector), the Hidden, the Secret and even the Personal too perhaps. Having said this is to perhaps mention that, those in Webnet in all, and on surfing the Internet, will probably in all again, surf it all, and as if one in all again, is very much operating and as based the Personal too that is [and as with perhaps even mentioning a website and such as JSTOR too, and which does go in all again, and with those who do seek to live Private lives that is]. In all perhaps, a mentioning to those in Webnet in all that, Webnet in all again, actually best operates and as based around the Hidden actually [Link].

However though, the above is not enough, and as in knowing even that, one in all again, is actually surfin the Internet in all, and from Africa too. To know what all this does mean is that, life in Africa, and as with truly even knowing whom one is, and as with regards even to facing Disappointment in life in itself, is actually truly lived around, not Family truly either, but in all ways even, speak of Ancestor Worship & Veneration that is. For those on Webnet and as wanting to live life and as based around the Internet in itself too is to know that, when they do think Ancestor Worship & Veneration, then let them think one term in all: the Guru [and as with the Guru too, not only Indian (Link), but as with further speak even and of what some do term an Ashram actually (Link), and as coming in all again perhaps, and in defining what some do term the Commonplace in all, and as with it even speaking of something one is well acquainted with, and as with speak even of it all and as coming to truly define even, Familiarity, and in ones life that is].

In all, is to end all this and by telling one that, society today demands in many a way even (and as with speak even of defining (Social) Success and in the Modern World too), that we in all do create Identity, and as based around Gender, Race, Age and Class too [or GRAC that is]. For those on Webnet though is to tell them that, creating Identity as such, will not work out in most if not all ways even [and as with this even speaking of the Materiality one wishes to Identify with], but that living on the Internet, in many a way does call for one to be an Artist of a kind, and especially a Visual Artist (Link) too that is [and as with this even speaking of Materiality, and in the form of what they do call Decor (Link), and as with the world of Decor in all again, believed said even and to arise and with the very world even, and of African Masks that is]. In all, the Visual Arts and even Decor, and as basically summarized even perhaps, and as with speak even and of those who do love Piano Music (Link) in all that is.

In all again though, this post and as very much dedicated and to one Old'un (Young'un), and who many an Year ago in all, did seek to hang out and in the truly known somewhat webforum RCBowen.com that is, and who in many a way too, did seek to struggle in all, and in attempting to create an Internet Identity, and as with speak even of Internet Business too, and by which he could survive on that is.