Saturday 26 April 2014

The African Pot

The African Pot.

What in all, does stand for the so called African Pot? It in the most basic of ways even, does speak in all and of what some do term Dini/Din, and as with it all even basically speaking of Ancestor Worship & Veneration too that is. That the African Pot, and as a Religious relic of a kind, does in all ways even, speak of it all, and as believed even going along and with a Potpourri of Beliefs/beliefs in all again, and that do in many a way even, and as with putting all this and into an Egyptian perspective perhaps, speak even of Djinn worship for instance [and all this even and as simply born and of truly even, speaking in all too even, and of losing ones Consciousness for instance, and drifting and into a drowsy/sleepy state in all, and by which one in many a way does dream and of their Communicating in all again, and with various an Entity that is]. In all, African Pot worship, and as very much invoking such Communicative states in all again [dreamy/sleepy states and by which one does engage even, and in vivid daydreaming for instance] butas with speak even of losing Consciousness in all, and in the attempt to make something not to easy to explain, speak here even and of the African Pot, and as perceived even and from  a Catholic perspective, speaking even and of the very works of Herbert Lockyer too for instance.

In all again, a rather useful way of looking at Religion in itself, and as said even Conventional too, and for those who do believe in all again, and in living out life and that does go with Internet Media in all, and as seen on Webnet too that is [and all this even for instance, Internet Media and as similar to Webnet in all, speaking even and of the world and of the Business Expo too].