Tuesday 10 June 2014

Hybrid Identities

Hybrid Identities.

To speak of Hybrid Identities, is to in all ways even, speak of many a person in all or group too, and as said Learning from each other in all again, and as with regards though, and to speak of proper Moderation that is. In many a way though, speak of Hybrid Identities, can be said in all, and as being paramount even, and to making Webnet in all again, a huge success of a kind that is [and as with speak even and of Logging activity, and not Traffic truly either].

In all ways too though, and as in making Webnet truly African, is to in all ways even associate Africans, and as said Africoid too, and with what one could call Hybrid Intelligences, and as with this even speaking of African Genetics, Serpents, and even the very belief in all that, Africa today, is often limited and in having Access, and to many a Knowledge Body too, and as compared to Asia for instance, and as this in all, does speak even and of African Creativity, and when exposed in all too even, and to simple forms of Knowledge, and as with speak even and of the ability in all, to create proper functioning Communities, and when exposed in all again, and to certain forms of Media that is [and all this too, and as speaking even and of Africa in all, and as said hampered too, and via speak even and of Maladaptive Behavour/thinking that is][and further speak too, and of the dangers of Hybrid Intelligences that is].