Wednesday 31 December 2014



In attempting to understand what this entry, is said, to be truly all about, the stating now, and of the very belief that, life, and in these Times we do live in, can be said in all, and to come down, and to speak of one thing only: Resurrections. That in all, and in going through life today, and in hoping to succeed and in speak too of a School Setting too perhaps, the only thing that does drive or motivate most, is the belief, that Resurrections in all, are simply said truly real that is.

This Blog though, does in all perhaps, wish to introduce one, and to the alternate view, and that does say, Revelations, are truly said real that is. That most in all, are said to have lost, Touch, and with their selves, others or even God too, and in speak too of the very belief that, places like Heaven in all, are said not real, and as most in all, do today associate Touch, and with that said only Sexual in its ways that is [and in speak too of pain, pleasure or punishment too in all].

This entry though, will attempt to give one a picture in all, and of what does go along, and with speak of a Revelation, and in speak of Touch too, and in helping make one very much aware of the very fact that, Heaven, is said real, so is Hell pretty much, but that in all ways even, we do all get to die, and we don't actually know what will happen next, and other than have a belief in Heaven, and in speak of Touch too that is. 

In helping one know themselves as such, and something in all again, most truly have no idea, and with just how to go about doing it all, then in all ways even, is to now present the very view, and of associating life, and in speak here too, of the KWS (Kenya Wildlife Service) for instance, and with what one could term a Spiritual Excursion that is:

1. Wildlife
2. Adventurism
3. Sadaka
4. Mkataba - Link