Wednesday 31 December 2014



In attempting to understand what this entry, is said, to be truly all about, the stating now, and of the very belief that, life, and in these Times we do live in, can be said in all, and to come down, and to speak of one thing only: Resurrections. That in all, and in going through life today, and in hoping to succeed and in speak too of a School Setting too perhaps, the only thing that does drive or motivate most, is the belief, that Resurrections in all, are simply said truly real that is.

This Blog though, does in all perhaps, wish to introduce one, and to the alternate view, and that does say, Revelations, are truly said real that is. That most in all, are said to have lost, Touch, and with their selves, others or even God too, and in speak too of the very belief that, places like Heaven in all, are said not real, and as most in all, do today associate Touch, and with that said only Sexual in its ways that is [and in speak too of pain, pleasure or punishment too in all].

This entry though, will attempt to give one a picture in all, and of what does go along, and with speak of a Revelation, and in speak of Touch too, and in helping make one very much aware of the very fact that, Heaven, is said real, so is Hell pretty much, but that in all ways even, we do all get to die, and we don't actually know what will happen next, and other than have a belief in Heaven, and in speak of Touch too that is. 

In helping one know themselves as such, and something in all again, most truly have no idea, and with just how to go about doing it all, then in all ways even, is to now present the very view, and of associating life, and in speak here too, of the KWS (Kenya Wildlife Service) for instance, and with what one could term a Spiritual Excursion that is:

1. Wildlife
2. Adventurism
3. Sadaka
4. Mkataba - Link

Monday 29 December 2014

The Divine Light

The Divine Light.

This entry, will attempt to take an evolutionary approach, and in speak now, and of simply how those on Webnet, should very much in all view their lives, everyday and daily, and in speak too of struggle that is. That most in all, and in the World we do live in today, might find it of difficulty, and in understanding why we do in all suffer and as we will/shall, or speak even and of purpose, and when said distraught too for instance.

In speaking of the Divine Light, now speak too perhaps, and of Light, and as very much viewed in all, and as a Beam, and in basic speak too here, and of the term Conduct that is. In understanding this furtherly, speak now of Conduct, and as very much even premeditating in all, the very Meeting in all, and not Contact truly either, and of ones Kindred in all, and in spirit too that is. That this in all again does in all even speak of having attended a school somewhere in all for instance, spirit, and having made a great friendship in all, and years later, when one is in many a way perhaps, not too enthusiastic about anything and if not life in itself, coming across this said Friend, and in all ways now, having one simply re-awakened, and in spirit too, and to what life in all, is believed said to have entailed or held in promise that is. But what if, such Awakenings in all, and in spirit, now transverse History, and such that, one is in all re-acquainted, and with groups of peoples or persons in all, and that one did in all even, know, and in ones past that is. In all, and in speak of Dreamwork too perhaps, the very belief here that, one could in all even re-awaken, and to just whom/who in all, one was, and in speak of the very beginning of ones life on this very Earth, and in speak too of Re-Incarnation, and such that, one is in all simply said to be returning to the origin/beginning/start, and in speak too of Conduct and in evolution too that is.

However though, speak now, and of Identity creation, and in the World we do live in today, and in speak of Africa too, and if not East Africa and Kenya in particular, and in speak now and of viewing ones everyday realities in all, and in speak too of Contest that is. That this in all again, and in helping one not waste too much Time, and in attempting to discover just what in all, life is said to be truly all about, or speak even and of one in Energy and Reserves too, speak now perhaps, and of associating Contest in all, and with Identity creation, and as said to speak of Kenya that is. That this in all, now does speak of the three terms of Ukoloni, Uhuru and Uingereza that is. That Ukoloni in all, does truly in all even speak of Kenya and from a Colonial Legacy perspective, and in speak now and of what does stand for Success in Kenya that is (Link). That in speak of Uhuru, speak now and of Identity creation in Kenya, and as spelled out and in speak of National Museums &Archives too that is. Furtherly, speak of Uingereza, does in all even, speak now of Kenya and in Law, and as perhaps best said to speak of Kenya and as said Lawless too, and in speak too of the mastering of the Kamusi for instance (Link). In all, what is been said here is that, in speak of the World we do live in today, lots of Time, Energy and Effort wasted, and in attempting perhaps to discern in all, what the News Media, is truly telling one and in speak of the World as it is, and in speak now of wasted/lost opportunity, and in failing to realize oneself in all, and in speak now and of defining Contest in ones life, appropriately too, and away from speak of nonsense in itself that is.

Finally though, speak now, and of the very best manner and in perceiving History in itself, and as in all even said, and to speak of the term Consort that is. That life, and in speak of Webnet too, can be said easy in all, and in simply knowing what Consort does truly mean, and in speak now, and of the very best manner/way, and in going through life that is. 

Tuesday 2 September 2014


of Interfaces.

The above link in all, does attempt to introduce many in Africa, and to what some do term Internet Computing, and as said concentrating in all, solely too, and on the ROM Memory too that is.

In many a way though, this post will attempt to do the same, and for Webnet too. That in all, just what in all again is Webnet, and as simply limited for instance, and to speak of ones E-mail Messaging System in all, or truly in all again, speak of many a Software Program in all for instance, and that does in all operate or function that is, and in a manner too, and that does speak of the Instant, and in speak too and of Inputs and Outputs too that is.

In all, what is been said here is that, one is in many a way, on Webnet in itself, and if using Email or a Software Program, and that does in all again for instance, truly require the regular use in all, and of many an Interface/Driver too, and on ones Computer, and as with regards to doing anything [and further speak here in all, and of one, and as utilizing the Email Messaging System in all, and in a manner and such that, one in all again, is often frequently using as many Drivers/Interfaces (and as including speak of Fax Machines for instnace), and on a regular basis too that is]. 

That my many friends, the above, is simply Webnet, and in a Nutshell too.

Saturday 16 August 2014

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Hybrid Identities

Hybrid Identities.

To speak of Hybrid Identities, is to in all ways even, speak of many a person in all or group too, and as said Learning from each other in all again, and as with regards though, and to speak of proper Moderation that is. In many a way though, speak of Hybrid Identities, can be said in all, and as being paramount even, and to making Webnet in all again, a huge success of a kind that is [and as with speak even and of Logging activity, and not Traffic truly either].

In all ways too though, and as in making Webnet truly African, is to in all ways even associate Africans, and as said Africoid too, and with what one could call Hybrid Intelligences, and as with this even speaking of African Genetics, Serpents, and even the very belief in all that, Africa today, is often limited and in having Access, and to many a Knowledge Body too, and as compared to Asia for instance, and as this in all, does speak even and of African Creativity, and when exposed in all too even, and to simple forms of Knowledge, and as with speak even and of the ability in all, to create proper functioning Communities, and when exposed in all again, and to certain forms of Media that is [and all this too, and as speaking even and of Africa in all, and as said hampered too, and via speak even and of Maladaptive Behavour/thinking that is][and further speak too, and of the dangers of Hybrid Intelligences that is].

Monday 9 June 2014

The Victoria Falls

The Victoria Falls.



In all, an attempt to redefine Individuality and for those on Webnet too, and as with speaking of Race & Mankind, and as said Ideal in its ways too, speaking in all and of Turkey, Quebec, Central Asia and Iraq too, but with Africa excluded from all this, and as Race & Mankind in Africa, and as said Ideal in its ways, taking a Historical perspective in all, and as with speak even and of Race & Mankind, and Africa too, and as speaking in all, and of the Egyptian Races that is [and all this too, and as basically speaking even, and of Voices in all actually].

The Prize

The Prize.

The phrase, 'The Eye on the Prize', has perhaps in all again, come to very much define Modern/Western Psychology, and as with regards even, and to what one does truly perceive in all, and to truly represent success in all actually. A phrase too, and that has in all ways even, come to be associated and with life in all again, and as said to go along, and with speak of Utmost Freedom too that is [and further speak too, and of many a scheme in all, and that does speak even and of an early Retirement that is].

For those on Webnet, is to perhaps make them aware in all that, they in all again and as compared to most out there perhaps, are believed even highly susceptible, and to this Malaise or disease even, and which does passes for deep Psychology, and of the Introspection kind too actually. In all again, the above posted work, 'The Ring of the Nibelung', and as believed even said a tome/panacea of a kind, and as with regards to dealing with a problem in all, and that most do believe in all again, and to be truly recurring in nature that is.

Monday 19 May 2014



Persuasion in all, and as with it even speaking of everyday Psychological states, and for those on Webnet too, and as with regards even and to everyday Happiness/Satisfaction too that is.

Saturday 26 April 2014

The African Pot

The African Pot.

What in all, does stand for the so called African Pot? It in the most basic of ways even, does speak in all and of what some do term Dini/Din, and as with it all even basically speaking of Ancestor Worship & Veneration too that is. That the African Pot, and as a Religious relic of a kind, does in all ways even, speak of it all, and as believed even going along and with a Potpourri of Beliefs/beliefs in all again, and that do in many a way even, and as with putting all this and into an Egyptian perspective perhaps, speak even of Djinn worship for instance [and all this even and as simply born and of truly even, speaking in all too even, and of losing ones Consciousness for instance, and drifting and into a drowsy/sleepy state in all, and by which one in many a way does dream and of their Communicating in all again, and with various an Entity that is]. In all, African Pot worship, and as very much invoking such Communicative states in all again [dreamy/sleepy states and by which one does engage even, and in vivid daydreaming for instance] butas with speak even of losing Consciousness in all, and in the attempt to make something not to easy to explain, speak here even and of the African Pot, and as perceived even and from  a Catholic perspective, speaking even and of the very works of Herbert Lockyer too for instance.

In all again, a rather useful way of looking at Religion in itself, and as said even Conventional too, and for those who do believe in all again, and in living out life and that does go with Internet Media in all, and as seen on Webnet too that is [and all this even for instance, Internet Media and as similar to Webnet in all, speaking even and of the world and of the Business Expo too].

Thursday 24 April 2014

The Painstaking

The Painstaking.

The Painstaking, and as with it even speaking of defining oneself as Distinct in all, or truly again, speak of ones Memory of life and as going along and as with speak even of the Painstaking, and for those on Webnet in all, and even Anatolia too in many a way.

Monday 14 April 2014



For those on Webnet in all, and who do truly wonder just what does constitute and for Longstanding Success in all again, is to then tell them that, it is Repute in all that they are seeking out [and as with speak even of International Repute, or basic speak even of Reputation in itself actually].

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Friday 4 April 2014



For those on Webnet in all, and as attempting to find their place on the Internet and even Webnet too, and as in finding success in the place too perhaps, then the keyword one is searching for is Redundancy.

Saturday 22 March 2014

Captain James Cook

Captain James Cook.

Timelines and Webnet too.



Metaphor, and as a keyword/keyterm in all, and in helping unleash the Power of the Internet that is.


Friday 7 March 2014

Sea Horses

Sea Horses.

Re-Incarnation and the Internet:

Those living life and as based around Internet Media in all or Webnet too perhaps, have never probably in all, truly pondered many a question in all again, and as dealing with Death and Re-Incarnation too. That in all, many today find life difficult, and as with regards to truly knowing what they do really want, what will make them truly happy, and as with perhaps even, stating that, if they in all were well acquainted perhaps, and in talk of Re-Incarnation or Death in itself too, then in many a way too perhaps, they would find life more easier to live out, and as with speak even of preparing for Death in itself, or simply speak even and of knowing just how one is going to die that is.

This entry in many a way though, will attempt to introduce those on Webnet in all, and to the topic of Death and Re-Incarnation too. That in many a way, it is deemed believed that those who do engage in Internet Media, and more than most out there too, are truly wanting, and in seeing or finding themselves, and in a truly loving Relationship, and with someone special too that is [so to speak] [and as with this even perhaps, referring to Marcus Anthony and Cleopatra too in all].

Having said the above, is to then in many a way in all again, attempt to breach both the topics of Re-Incarnation and Death in itself too. That it all in all again, can be perceived, and from speak even of Loving Relationships in all that is [and especially between a Man and a Woman too actually]. 

To understand the above furtherly in all, is to perhaps speak of Love in itself, and as said Unforgettable/Unforgoten in all [Link], or even in many a way truly even, it said Unconditional too [Link]. In having said this, is to first associate Relationships with Bonds in all again, and as they said even, formented in all, and in speak of Promises too [that Death and Re-Incarnation in itself, can be perceived and from speak of broken Promises, and as with this even demanding in all, a return to Earth, and inorder to make right, what one did/made wrong that is]. Another view in all again, does speak even and of Judgment in itself, and within a Relationship too, and which does have one in all, wanting to make-up for oneself in all again, and as in Promising to change in all, and before one dies in all too perhaps, and as with Re-Incarnation and Death too, viewed very much from the perspective of the Return, and in attempting to furtherly improve on oneself that is] [and all this too even, furtherly speaking of Lost Time in itself too actually].

Finally in all too perhaps, is to mention the danger of the Internet in all again, and as associated in all and with speak of Serialization, Popularization and even Proliferation too, and of just about anything, and as with it even hampering in all, ones Life Force perhaps, and as with the Life Force here even, said to speak of being Ignored in all that is]. 

Wednesday 5 March 2014



Said falsely in many a way, a genuine Egyptian Queen, Cleopatra, and as Greek too, did in all ways even live in a World and as defined by a Media in all again, and that one could very well equate with Internet Media in all that is [and as with Media and Cleopatra, to be considered in many a way African/Egyptian too].

Tuesday 4 March 2014

The Third Party

The Third Party.

Evolutionary Instincts and Webnet:

Those in many a way, and who do decide to live out life, and as based around Media, or Internet Media too actually, and such as that seen with Webnet in all, truly in all again do wonder just how to plan out their lives actually. This in many a way truly even, does speak of Religion in itself, and as with truly wondering even, just where Internet Media in all again, does meet God truly. That in all, when one does decide to live life and as based around Media in all, and which is in all again pretty much Internet Media too, questions pertaining to Identity and as based around Ritual or Custom, do in many a way arise actually.

To speak of Internet Media in a simple sense [Internet Media], is to in many a way even truly associate it all, and with speak even and of what some do term the Third Party actually. That in many a way, those who do live Religious/Cultural lives, do in all live life out, and as if, God, is a Witness, and to every they do that is [and as with this even basically speaking of Religious Traditions, Rituals and even Customs too].

If one however does live life and as based around Internet Media in all, or Media in all again similar to it all actually [and as with speak even of attempts to truly give rise and to any given Reality too that is] [and as with further speak even of basically attracting attention in all], one does find that thinking of God in all again, and in a righteous manner too, does speak specifically even, and of the so termed Third Party. That those in all who do truly associate themselves and with Internet Media [and as with speak even of SMS too actually] [Internet Media], do in all ways even, tend to need a Third Party/Voice, and to in many a way even validate them [and as with this even basically speaking of visiting a Night Club too, and on viewing an attractive Woman one could very well attach themselves too, finding one inactive, and unless in all perhaps, a Third Party/Person is there to Witness it all actually]. 

To speak of issues and as pertaining to the Third Party, is to also in many a way, speak of just how we do basically perceive ourselves. That in all, there are those and who do basically perceive themselves, and as with speak even of the Third Party, and from speak even and of what they do truly Know or Acknowledge in all even, or even truly again, those who do have a concrete understanding in all, and of History in itself too, and from the very perspective and of just how anything that did happen in history, does affect one in all, and the very way even one does seek to live out life actually [and as with speak even of the changing of ones behaviour in itself too actually]. In all again, defining the Third Party, does not speak of God in himself in all, but in all ways even perhaps, speak of the Stirring of Consciousness, and as with it all even speaking of what some do term the Afterworld too [and as with basic speak even and of that member of an Internet Forum, popular too, and who does in all decide to move on to better things, and as in ceasing posting in the said Forum that is].

Finally, the Third Party and as basically perceived and from speak even of Contractual obligations, but speak even of evil and as arising with all this, and as speaking even of Goyim too actually [and as with speak even of someone truly out to wipe one out, and as with mythic speak even of Terminator 3 too perhaps].

Terminator 3:

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Internet Lifestyles

Internet Lifestyles.

Life on the Internet:

There are those in all, and who might take a liking to Webnet in all again, and as in truly wondering even, if they can truly live even, their whole lives in all, and around it too that is.

To begin speak of all this, is to perhaps mention that, speak of Infrastructure and Webnet, does in all ways even speak basically of Anatolian Nairobi (Link), Anatolian Kampala and even Anatolian Dar-es-salaam too [and not 'Nairo', Kamp-o or Dar truly either]. 

Having said the above in all, is to perhaps attempt to put the Internet in itself, and into perspective. That life, and as traditionally lived around the World in all again, can be divided into the following sectors in all perhaps, and of existence too: the Public (sector), the Private (sector), the Hidden, the Secret and even the Personal too perhaps. Having said this is to perhaps mention that, those in Webnet in all, and on surfing the Internet, will probably in all again, surf it all, and as if one in all again, is very much operating and as based the Personal too that is [and as with perhaps even mentioning a website and such as JSTOR too, and which does go in all again, and with those who do seek to live Private lives that is]. In all perhaps, a mentioning to those in Webnet in all that, Webnet in all again, actually best operates and as based around the Hidden actually [Link].

However though, the above is not enough, and as in knowing even that, one in all again, is actually surfin the Internet in all, and from Africa too. To know what all this does mean is that, life in Africa, and as with truly even knowing whom one is, and as with regards even to facing Disappointment in life in itself, is actually truly lived around, not Family truly either, but in all ways even, speak of Ancestor Worship & Veneration that is. For those on Webnet and as wanting to live life and as based around the Internet in itself too is to know that, when they do think Ancestor Worship & Veneration, then let them think one term in all: the Guru [and as with the Guru too, not only Indian (Link), but as with further speak even and of what some do term an Ashram actually (Link), and as coming in all again perhaps, and in defining what some do term the Commonplace in all, and as with it even speaking of something one is well acquainted with, and as with speak even of it all and as coming to truly define even, Familiarity, and in ones life that is].

In all, is to end all this and by telling one that, society today demands in many a way even (and as with speak even of defining (Social) Success and in the Modern World too), that we in all do create Identity, and as based around Gender, Race, Age and Class too [or GRAC that is]. For those on Webnet though is to tell them that, creating Identity as such, will not work out in most if not all ways even [and as with this even speaking of the Materiality one wishes to Identify with], but that living on the Internet, in many a way does call for one to be an Artist of a kind, and especially a Visual Artist (Link) too that is [and as with this even speaking of Materiality, and in the form of what they do call Decor (Link), and as with the world of Decor in all again, believed said even and to arise and with the very world even, and of African Masks that is]. In all, the Visual Arts and even Decor, and as basically summarized even perhaps, and as with speak even and of those who do love Piano Music (Link) in all that is.

In all again though, this post and as very much dedicated and to one Old'un (Young'un), and who many an Year ago in all, did seek to hang out and in the truly known somewhat webforum that is, and who in many a way too, did seek to struggle in all, and in attempting to create an Internet Identity, and as with speak even of Internet Business too, and by which he could survive on that is.